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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Peter Drucker and China

There is a Peter F. Drucker Academy in China. Bright China Management Institute is running these academies and from I heard today from the Drucker Dean of the Biz School in Claremont (the original Drucker School), Ira Jackson, they have a huge amount of graduates. I do appreciate the two pages, Why Drucker and Who is Peter F. Drucker. I wish my school had that - hint, hint... The school assumes everyone knows who Peter Drucker is.

As a Drucker Alumni, and it's Peter's fault I started this business. In a class of his I took there was a requirement for a project, so I did one about starting an online business selling Chinese Children Books. He called me up in his class and discussed German in the US has been a popular second language with large community of German speakers. He pointed out how this community of German speakers disappeared. Reading more on it was due a lot to World war 1. More about Childbook's history. How I met Peter was at a welcoming picnic for incoming students, and my daughter almost tripped him. He was nice enough to take a picture with her (except I could not get a picture with both of them smiling at the same time).

I went to the first meeting of the Los Angeles Drucker Society today and I look forward to future meetings! There are a number of societies around, including China, and I recommend anyone interested in society and management to attend a meeting. For a great read, I suggest his autobiography, Adventures of a Bystander

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