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Friday, November 9, 2012

Give the Gift of a New Language

I recently visited a friend's house, and I was so surprised at how fast her 4 year old son could pick up concepts. The little boy's quite a fast learner. It is within these early years when learning ability is at its best, and so I asked my friend if she was interested in teaching her child a new language. It turns out that they were already planning to teach their child Chinese as a second language, and in an excited buzz, we talked about the many books available to help them get started.

Why be multilingual? We live in a world made small by globalization. A second language is an advantage for business and for travel. And with so many economic opportunities in China right now, learning the Chinese language is definitely a good idea.

I have built my life around helping parents and their children learn Chinese. And so one of my greatest accomplishments is that I have put together resources for Chinese made easy to learn. I have books for beginners, intermediate learners, and advanced level students. My friends also love that most books come with audio CDs to speed up learning and absorption.

Back to my friend's story. I asked them to check out our page on learning Chinese resourcesappropriate for ages 3-5 years old. We have many fun and exciting learning Chinese books, CD's, and DVD's that make learning Chinese a snap. I am sure after a few months, her son will be teaching them how to speak in Chinese.

If my friend can do it, so can you!This Holiday season, why not give the gift of a new language to your child? True, a child opening a book for Christmas might not get you the reaction as the latest toy would. A toy would probably be the favorite for the duration of the season, but the benefits of learning Chinese will last a lifetime.


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