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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sinhua Update - Improper handling of Train Crash

It seems the high speed train that crashed, the cars were buried immediately after the crash!

And in Xinhua, the train crash accident was not properly investigated.  Keep in mind that if its in Xinhua, its pretty much the official position of the central government.

An explanation I heard on the radio, was the railroad ministry is held in such low esteem by the general public, that its a useful distraction/scapegoat.  This is why criticism is being allowed in the official press of what happened.  An alternate explanation is that the Chinese twitter equivalent has forced the Chinese government to be more open about the issue due to the speed of the public response, which prevented a cover up of what happened.  My opinion is its a mixture of both.

Improper handling of train crash accident criticized - Xinhua

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