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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Chinatowns Page Updated

A while ago I put together a page of Chinatowns in the US and Canada, and I just updated it again. I added two more Chinatowns I did not know about, one in Oklahoma City and the other in Cleveland. I need to ask my customers if they know of any more in my next E-Mail.

I think there is at least one in the Carolina's area, but I did not have any luck with a google search.

Site that has some Chinatowns. List of Chinatowns - Author did a nice job. I did not know about one in Detroit. New Jersey - I am having challenges figuring out which city. Interesting article - When Newark Had A Chinatown - Timeline 1910

The challenge now days is everybody is so mixed up in neighborhoods, so the traditional Chinatowns are not needed anymore.in many areas have disappeared as we have become a society segregated more on income and education, rather than race.



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