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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chinese American Student Time Usage

Fascinating paper - Mathematics and Vocabulary Development in Chinese American and European American Children over the Primary School Years. So why do Chinese American's so often do so well in school in the US?

Some clues... Time usage on page 19 of the study. Less time on sports (.55 hours per week vs. 18 hours), more time on reading, music (30 minutes vs. 5 minutes per day), music lessons (60 minutes per week vs 8 weeks).

So how does my daughter compare to this? She's at 120 minutes per week of music lessons :-)

I was looking for a comparison of Chinese Kindergartens, such Follow Jade - Let's Visit Chinese Kindergarten in DVD and American Kindergartens. I guess I will need to write my own, may be as a lesson plan for the Follow Jade DVD?

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