Cost of Nepotism
The Cost of Nepotism: J.P. Morgan to Pay $200 Million -The American Interest
Amazing the double standard of the children of US Politicians, vs. Chinese with American companies (cough, cough Chelsea Clinton's Hedge Fund Job, work at McKinsey the premier US consulting company, and as a reporter for NBC).
Note - I am not saying either is right. I just hate hypocrisy.
Labels: corruption, US Chinese Image
Post Office Loses $1 per order from China Shipped
ePacket shipment from China on ebay.
The Postal service is losing millions a year to help you buy cheap stuff from China - Washington Post
Some observations:
- Somehow for low weight items it seems cheaper to have an item shipped from China to the US, than ship an item within the US.
- ePacket takes around 14 days to get to the US. It may take up to a month.
- Basically Chinese sellers have taken over the market on eBay for new items of low weight mfg. in China.
- Some Chinese sellers get a US address (person), and still ship from China.
- For new girls dresses category, sellers from China now dominate it. This was not true a couple of years ago.
- No idea how returns work for sellers? Shipping from US to China is expensive, probably $15 starting per 1 lb. $16.75 using 1st class. This probably explains why there are so many companies that ship to China, probably use a container.
- Not sure how a US seller would compete with stuff from China on eBay, which seems to be about price, price, and price..
- ePacket my guess is subsidized by Chinese government, so super cheap and probably below their cost.
- USPS actually loses money, $1, on each item shipped from China via ePacket.
Labels: ebay, made in china, post office, shipping, shipping costs, USPS
Calfornia Bilingual Education Deja Vu?
Calfornia Bilingual Education Deja Vu?
There is a proposition on the ballot, that wants to gut the Ballot Proposition that killed most bilingual education in California. I have mixed feelings about this. My understanding was once 227 went into effect, it had a huge negative impact on businesses selling bilingual materials. I have heard this from multiple book sellers. As an educator, it seemed that prior to 227 many students were stuck permanently in bilingual classes, and never learned English. The incentive for schools being to max out bilingual classes for additional funding. The end result from studies, is eliminating bilingual education did not seem to have a negative impact on student performance.
My 2 cents - What California needs is true bilingual education. What it has prior to 227 was not. The goal has to be to get students fluent in English ASAP, for this is a basic language they need for economic survival in the US, To go beyond the survival level, being bilingual is a great advantage to have. In Southern California Spanish is very helpful, but the rise of China, had made Learning Chinese a competitive advantage.
Déjà Vu in California (Culture Wars) - The American InterestLabels: bilingual education
My First Chinese Words - 36 Books
Why Choose My First Chinese Words
Mini FAQ
What Age is it for?
Why should I use it?
The material is split apart into 36 parts, which works perfectly with the short attention span of kids age 3-6.
How is the Quality?
A+ - What I admire about this publisher, Better Chinese, is the high quality of their products.
Will it work for Non Chinese Speakers?
The program was actually designed for use by non native Chinese speakers. The program originally started by educators from Columbia University.
How many schools use Better Chinese Materials?
Over 1600 schools, Pre-K to home.
Labels: 36 books, my first chinese words
Wade-Giles - Great or Horrible?
How Wade and Giles did a Disservice to the English Speaking World - Dionysia