China's View of the US
Good read that explains a few mysteries. Why does the Chinese leadership like their children to attend US universities? Why did Wang Lijun, Go Xilai's police chief, seek refuge in the US embassy. Why did the US embassy hand him back?
U.S. & China: Regularly disappointing each other - Washington PostLabels: US Chinese Image
Review books with CD for Chinese SAT
When it comes to SAT, there is no substitute for preparation and practice. Since the SAT Testing for Chinese Language are on May 04 and June 01, 2013, you might want to consider buying a study guide that can give you both preparation and practice.
Prepare and practice with the Chinese SAT II Books available in Childbook.com. Once you have taken the practice tests that are included in the books, you will have a better understanding of what Chinese SAT is all about and will definitely boost your score. The questions in each practice test are very similar to the questions that are on the actual test. To fully benefit from your practice, I would recommend timing yourself and taking each test in one sitting. Answer keys are also included for each test so you can estimate how you will score.
These books are an excellent study guide that I recommend to anyone who is planning to take the Chinese SATs.
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Chinese SAT are back in Stock
The publisher has re-printed the Chinese SAT II practice books. The books are full of actual tests from previous Chinese SAT II tests and are a great test preparation. Even if you are fluent in Chinese, it's a good idea to get the tests so you can understand how the tests works. Scores are very competitive and are on a sliding scale, so you can't afford many wrong. And yes, the test does favor a native speaker, vs. a person who is Learning Chinese. The books each include an audio CD, as well as answers. In book one there is a section, in Traditional Chinese Characters of test tips.
A typical question I get is the book in Simplified Chinese? The book is just a collection of tests, and the tests are both in Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters. The answers are multiple choice.
Labels: Chinese SAT II