Chinese families sue for WW2 Compensation
Chinese birth tourism
My 2 cents:
- Nothing is going to be done in the US to change how baby's born in the US, get instant US citizenship. It's seen as part of the 14th amendment to the US constitution.
- The statistics on birth tourism from China seem low, the article mentions 10,000, but I feel it's more. In Rowland Heights, I see a lot of unaccompanied pregnant women around Target and 85 degrees C. And I have a feeling there is a maternity hotel within 2 blocks of where I live.
- Interesting on the costs, between $16,000 to $50,000 for a package. I am not sure if this includes airfare.
- One article mentions the tax headaches of being a US citizen, it seems most parents are not aware of this issue.
Chinese birth tourism goes stateside - Daily Bulletin World
China savages hugely popular female TV presenter after she gave birth to daughter in the US so she could get American citizenship - Daily Mail
I Want an American Baby! Chinese Women Flock to the U.S. to Give Birth - Time
Labels: abc, birth tourism, rowland heights
U.S. Is No. 1, China Is So Yesterday
OK article, but not great.
U.S. Is No. 1, China Is So Yesterday - Bloomberg
My take away:
- The author wrote The Myth of America’s Decline
- The author belongs to the Hoover institue
- The author mentions some of the major challenges China has such as wages have increased 19% per year and China will become old before rich.
What was not covered
- The economic challenges the US faces.
- How China has relocated entire ecosystems for manufacturing
- How China is moving up the food chain in value. It's not all about cheap labor in China, but also increased efficiency.
- China's popular view of the US
- How many see China as bigger than the US
- Many major issues in China were not mentioned, such as environmental and corruption.
Labels: china's future, US Chinese Image
China Russia Alliance
Communist China and Russia have a strange history.
The USSR originally supported the KMT, and provided training to them that allowed them to rule China, until the Communist revolution of 1949. Later, the USSR supported the Chinese communist party including the occupation of Manchuria from the Japanese. China's government had border incidents with the USSR during the late 60's after the relationship cooled. Supposedly in 1969, Russia wanted to do a nuclear strike on China, and the US vetoed it. Russia supported India, which also had a border incident with China. And then the fall of the USSR, had a huge psychological impact on Chinese leadership.
So where is Russia and China today? My 2 cents are both are both very self centered, and focused on what is best for their economic and political interests.
The Tiger and the Bear: China-Russia Alliance Shrouded in Mystery - US News & World Report Labels: china, Chinese History, Russia, USSR
WalMart in LA's Chinatown
I am surprised some local community groups kept on fighting the WalMart in LA's Chinatown, even after it had opened. Looks like Walmart is going to stay in LA's Chinatown for a while.
My 2 cents, this was more about local politics, than about the residents. Most residents are very happy to have lower prices and higher quality goods. Walmart is not forcing local residents to use their store. In the Rowland Heights area we have a huge Walmart, and lots of Chinese stores in the area. This way residents get the best of both worlds, and have a choice on where they want to shop.
On a personal note, when I go into the Rowland Heights Walmart, I often seem to get a headache. I am not sure if it's the lighting, the video at checkout, or the store feels claustrophobic to me. I don't have this problem in target.
Chinatown Walmart benefits from legal battle | The Breakdown | 89.3 KPCC
Labels: chinatown, Los Angeles, walmart