Which Chinese Textbooks for a 5th Grader - Ask Ray
I would recommend:
Discovering Chinese
It has a good teacher manual that is in English and lots of
supplemental material. I like practical Chinese a lot, but it's not as
polished and does not have a Teacher Manual. Chinese Made Easy is widely
used, but you need a Chinese tutor with it. Kuaile Hanyu - Happy Chinese I like the CD Rom a huge amount (does not work on Mac). The
textbooks you need a Chinese Teacher, but they are great for Middle
School students.
I hope this helps,
Ray, Owner
Learning Chinese Materials for Kids
Sued Over Pay, Condé Nast Ends Internship Program
Is Amazon a Charity?
Amazon is an amazing company, and I have been a customer for a long time. When they were first starting, they sent out travel mugs to some customers, and I still have one. But, their profit margins don't make sense. It's hard to keep on losing money as a business. The raising of their free shipping minimum from $25 to $35 is a big change. Shipping, unfortunately costs.
This is a great quote:
“Amazon, as best I can tell, is a charitable organization being run by elements of the investment community for the benefit of consumers,” Slate’s Matthew Yglesias joked earlier this year.
The Amazon Mystery: What America's Strangest Tech Company Is Really Up To - The Atlantic
Same Old Amazon: All Sales, No Profit - Business Week Labels: amazon, book stores, e-books
Macy's in China?
My advice would be start small, and see what works, and does not work. With joint ventures, be very very careful. From what I read the huge headaches for e-commerce operations in China is logistics and payment.
Macy’s pauses on selling online in China - Internet Retailer
The retailer backs off plans to sell via a Chinese e-retailer that it invested in.Labels: business chinese, retail, selling to china
US Chinatowns Disappearing?
China Agency Downgrades US Credit Rating
Chinese Media on Us Debt Deal
Debt debate turns America into a laughing stock: China mocks default limit 'monkey business' as it depicts the U.S. as a beggar
- Cartoons in Chinese state media ridicule US attempts to raise debt ceiling
- Chinese minister: Capitol 'gentlemen' are damaging America's reputation
Labels: US Chinese Image
Strange Themed Restroom Cafe Opens
Young Chinese: Take This Factory Job and Shove It
Another big change...
The question are there enough other jobs in China. China has been increasing the amount of college graduates, the problem is there have not been enough of the white collar jobs to go with this. Something similar is happening in the US, where many college graduates take jobs that a college degree is not needed. Another challenge is as China's wages increase, automation and moving to other locations become more attractive to factory owners.
Young Chinese: Take This Factory Job and Shove It - Via Media Labels: china's future, made in china
1418 Admiral Zheng discovered America?
Turkey gets Chinese ABM System
I am surprised that Turkey is buying from China an anti-missile defense. A reason that does not go into the messy political issues that I do not want to write about, is Turkey wants to export more weapons, and China is offering technology sharing.
A point not mentioned, is this also shows how high tech China's weapons have become. Through what ever means, China has advanced the technology of their weapons considerably in the past 30 years. The US is perceived as the leading Weapons Technology supplier in the world, and is by weapons exports by sales per Wikipedia, Russia is 2nd, and China fifth.
Turkey goes for Chinese take-away defense - Asia Times
I read it about this on The American Interest, and found the article with more details.
Labels: exports, made in china, Turkey, weapons
Why Do So Many Americans Drop Out of College?
Good article:
Why Do So Many Americans Drop Out of College? - The Atlantic
This quote is mostly correct:
Obviously, the system we have now, where students flock to college, only to be overwhelmed by it, isn't working.
Should read:
Obviously, the system we have now, where most students flock to college, only to be overwhelmed by it, isn't working.
Not all students are overwhelmed by college. My daughter should be graduating from her college in 3 years.
The drop out rate at my under graduate, Cal Poly Pomona (great school for Engineering, and some other degrees) is around 50%. 4 Year Graduation rate is 12%, and in 6 years 50%. A bit of Schadenfreude, but Of course my wife's college, Cal State Fullerton (great business program), has slightly higher drop out rate. The school my daughter is going to has a lower drop out rate.
It's surprising how much the graduation rate varies by college. When selecting a college, graduation rate is something you need to find and look at. The other piece of useful information, sometimes it's hard to find, is the starting graduation salaries and employment rates for a major from that college. A great piece of advice I read when helping my daughter select colleges, was select the major, and then the college. Labels: college admissions