Walnut Christian K-12 Campus sold to Buddhist
My daughter went to the school Preschool through 5th grade.
My understanding, was the campus was sold to a developer and the money was used to build a formal church in Brea. The developer was then unable to get the needed permits, I remember seeing protests in the area, plus the housing downturn in So. CA happened. Then, the campus went up for auction, and a Buddhist Group, Tzu Chi, bought the property and last year established a preschool at the location. This year, they put up a lot of signs on the property. The Christian School, Southlands Christian School, then leased an elementary school in Rowland Heights, Fajardo Elementary, added some classrooms, and are running two campus through the end of this year. At their Walnut campus, Christian students are not allowed to eat meat.
Labels: Buddhist, chinese christians, rowland heights
China Loses Its Grip on Rare Earth Monopoly
I am surprised at this. The danger with any weapon, is once used, your enemies may seek alternatives. An example of this I worry about, is the use of sanctions again Russia. In this case, China used rare earths against Japan in 2010, and Japan found alternatives. Also supply and demand. When supply goes up in price, demand may go down, or their may be an increase in supply as other alternatives are developed.
A new example may be the Russian dominance of Titanium, that is used a lot by Boeing.
China Loses Its Grip on Rare Earth Monopoly - The American Interest
Boeing, United Technologies stock up titanium parts from Russia: WSJ - Reuters Labels: exports, Rare Earths
China Development Bank
Interesting. The US gets a lot of soft power through it's leading role in the World Bank and Asian Development Bank. The danger for China, is bad investments as the USSR did, while competing with the US in investments. The Aswan Dam in Egypt comes to mind, that was built with Soviet support, and has issues.
China’s Plans for Development Bank Fall Short - WSJ
Many Targeted Countries Won’t Sign Preliminary Agreement in Beijing on FridayLabels: US Chinese Image
Ebola in China Potential
There are a lot of Chinese in Africa, and the author believes this increases the potential of an Ebola outbreak in China.
I hope not, my reasoning:
- China learned from the SARS Epidemic
- Ebola seems to be spread through bodily fluids, often while the patient is in the last stages right before death, this is why so many medical workers have been infected. Since I believe that Chinese are not in the health field in Africa, this reduces the chance of infection.
- I would not be surprised if China puts into place, soon, a mandatory quarantine period. Australi just did.
Labels: africa, Ebola
Waldorf Hotel may be Sold to Chinese Investors
Russian and China
This is major...
Sidelined Russia Makes Deals with China - The American Interest
China cashes in on Russia's shrinking economic options - Christian Monitor
- The US is using control of the financial industry to apply sanctions to Russia.
- Russia and China do not like the US having financial controls that can hurt their economy.
- Oil is mostly priced in dollars, making the US the default reserve currency of the world.
- Russian is now doing export deals not using US dollars.
- Having the US dollar as the world reserve currency, allows the US government to borrow more than it can.
- Sanctions are seen by the US government as a low cost way to show they are doing something.
Labels: China & Russian
Rowland Heights Pandhandlers
I have noticed in the Rowland Heights area, there are a lot of pan handlers located off of the 60 freeway exits.
At Fairway and the 60, there is an Asian Man. Originally he was located at the Westbound Exit. People would ignore him, pretend he does not exist, and then he would wave his hand in front of their face. Or he would touch their car. I have also seen him deliberately push the button to walk, forcing the light to stop traffic. He has a limp, and smokes. He is very aggressive in his approach. He has now moved to the center of Fairway, where you make a left turn to get onto the Westbound 60.
At Nogales, there is a man with one leg, who stands in the middle of the divider of Nogales. Since Nogales is closed to traffic at Gale, I am not sure if he's still there. I have also seen a Hispanic man, selling Oranges right next to him.
At Azusa, I have seen an older man with his wife, asking for money. At the same exit, I have also seen a man around 20, with a sign saying he is hungry, asking for money. The first time I saw the sign I donated. I have also seen some others around 20 years old on Azusa, between the 60 Freeway and Colima asking for money.
I was reminded about panhandlers in Rowland Heights, after reading this article about a video:
You drive a better car than me! 'Homeless' elderly panhandler caught driving off in a brand new car - Daily Mail
Labels: chinatowns, rowland heights
HK Protesters infected by Android Spyware