Our Shopping Cart Move
As with many merchants, I basically rent my shopping cart. I do not want the headache of hosting my own shopping cart, paying for fixes, and upgrades. If your a programmer, yes, you can do your own shopping cart.
I would rather have somebody watching it 24 X 7 that I can call up at 2AM, when my site is having some issues.
This is the fourth shopping cart for ChildBook.
A quick history:
V 1.0 - Static Web Page, only checks accepted. I did all the html.
V 2.0 - Credit Cards Accepted! It was part static pages, and a shopping cart called BigStep. The shopping cart was very limited.
V 3.0 - A semi custom cart. The headache was I had to pay for any bug fixes and upgrades. Customization was good and bad.
V 4.0 - My last cart I just moved from. I am not naming them right now, since I still have a store with them. It was the best cart around for the price range when I started with them about 5 years ago. Unfortunately they have had some challenges, and these challenges caused a lot of frustrations, that I don't really need.
V 5.0 - My latest cart. Once all the challenges are done, it will be nice. The speed is faster, and there are a lot of nice features I am looking forward too! I am also going to move the blog once the shopping cart settles down.
Labels: childbook
Chinese passport map causes diplomatic dispute
Modern Day The Little Match Girl,
Trouble in China as three Italian labels blocked from using their names - Telegraph
515 Million Counterfeit Ring
Blog Spam
This blog is more of a hobby, and I get to write about what I like, which is usually related to Chinese Culture, Politics, Chinese Americans, Chinatowns, Chinese Food, and Learning Chinese. It's not usually a buy this type blog doing sell, sell, and more sell!
If you want to buy, please go to my website, and buy!
Meandering a bit here :-)
I just had to delete 58 at last count blog comments from the same person, all about a dress site. And it was not even my wife's dress site! It was some site in the UK. Dumb. In blogger, all the comments got marked as SPAM. And Google, bless their automated hearts, pays attention and hatees SPAM as much as I do.
If your going to do SEO, get a clue and do it right! Don't SPAM people, it's bad manners, it upsets people (who may know a lot more about SEO then you and do something about your site, and it's actually hurts your search engine rankings.
While I was writing this, another 2 comments showed up from the same idiot.May be they are getting paid by the posting! Labels: spam
Conflict of Interests in China Shipping
Eye opening article. Basically a Brazilian mine owner to make their ore more competitive, had made some super huge vessels at a cost of $2 Billion Dollars. Unfortunately, the company did not realize how politically connected the current ore carriers are (dominated by a Chinese state owned company).
Beijing Wields Big Stick Against Megaships - WSJ
How China Closed Its Ports to Brazilian Miner Vale's Huge Iron-Ore VesselsLabels: business chinese, made in china
13% of Chinese Blog Posts Censored?
Good article - this caught my eye:
A recent study by Harvard University’s Institute for
Quantitative Social Science of 11 million posts made on Chinese social media
websites – but excluding Weibo – concluded that roughly 13 per cent of all
blog posts in China are censored.
And four groups of new rich in China per the article:
First were the small-scale entrepreneurs – getihu – who sprang up in the early years of the reforms.
- Second were the children of high-ranking officials, 'princelings’ who in the 1980s got rich by what became known as 'official racketeering’, using connections to gain control of surplus products generated by state enterprises.
- Third were the land-speculators, whose Party connections enabled them to purchase choice parcels of land and secure loans from state-owned banks.
- Fourth group are former managers of state-owned companies, who became wealthy during the rapid, notably corrupt conversion of public enterprises into private and stockholder-owned companies in the 1990s.
Labels: china's future, chinese corruption
Give the Gift of a New Language
I recently visited a
friend's house, and I was so surprised at how fast her 4 year old son
could pick up concepts. The little boy's quite a fast learner. It is
within these early years when learning ability is at its best, and so
I asked my friend if she was interested in teaching her child a new
language. It turns out that they were already planning to teach their
child Chinese as a second language, and in an excited buzz, we talked
about the many books available to help them get started.
Why be multilingual? We live
in a world made small by globalization. A second language is an
advantage for business and for travel. And with so many economic
opportunities in China right now, learning the Chinese language is
definitely a good idea.
I have built my life around
helping parents and their children learn Chinese. And so one of my
greatest accomplishments is that I have put together resources for
Chinese made easy to learn. I have books for beginners, intermediate
learners, and advanced level students. My friends also love that most
books come with audio CDs to speed up learning and absorption.
If my friend can do it, so
can you!This Holiday season, why not give the gift of a new language
to your child? True, a child opening a book for Christmas might not
get you the reaction as the latest toy would. A toy would probably be
the favorite for the duration of the season, but the benefits of
learning Chinese will last a lifetime.
Taiwanese Burger?
Something I have not heard of before:
A Groupon Deal
Bun Bun – Arcadia
Taiwanese Burger Meal for Two or Four with Fries, Potato Balls, and Drinks (Up to 53% Off)
My translation - basically a cheese burger, with the meat with some Taiwanese spices in it.
My dear wife vetoed getting this one :-)
Labels: chinatown, Chinese Food, groupon
Future of Publishing
Good article, and scary in some ways as a book reseller.
From what I can tell, Apple has not had a huge monetary impact on the book publishing industry yet. The Kindle, and Kindle App has for eBooks. 60% of eBook are sold by Amazon.
Amazon and Apple rule the roost in publishing - The Telegraph
Technology companies are the new publishing power-brokers, so traditional
players like Penguin and Random House have to hatch a new plan, says Katherine
Labels: book
English Nephew for China's next President
China one child policy changing soon?
My guess is the one child program will be more limited, till it finally disappears.
Per a radio program I was listening too yesterday was part of the reason not to move, was because of all the negative press in the West about the one child policy, and some in the Chinese government do not want to be seen as giving in.
China 'should move to two-child policy - The Telegraph
China should immediately end its one-child policy and instead adopt a
two-child scheme, a foundation with close links to the highest levels of the
Communist party has said.
Labels: china's future
Sharing with China - Smuggling Tips