Chinese Domain Spam
A quick Google Search shows it is a scam.
from Angela
to Sales@childbook.com
date Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 9:27 PM
subject Notice of Intellectual Property-Trademark Name
Dear Manager:
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On November,29th,2010, We received HUADI Company's application that they are registering the name "childbook" as their Internet Trademark and "childbook.cn","childbook.com.cn" ,"childbook.asia"domain names etc.,It is China and ASIA domain names.But after auditing we found the brand name been used by your company. As the domain name registrar in China, it is our duty to notice you, so I am sending you this Email to check.According to the principle in China,your company is the owner of the trademark,In our auditing time we can keep the domain names safe for you firstly, but our audit period is limited, if you object the third party application these domain names and need to protect the brand in china and Asia by yourself, please let the responsible officer contact us as soon as possible. Thank you!
Kind regards
Angela Zhang
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
Registration Department Manager
3002, Nanhai Building 854.Nandan Road
Xuhui District, Shanghai
Email: info@yg-networks.com
Anhui Office
Office: +86 0553 4994789
Fax: +86 0553 4994789
web: yg-networks.com
web: www.yg-networks.comLabels: scam
Guidebooks - Paper vs. E-Books
I am very interested in eBooks, but this makes a lot of sense where a book currently has better usability than an eBook when being used as a travel guide. Another challenge is the high internet access tarrifs you pay when going overseas. I have heard so many stories about people with their iPhones going overseas ending up with huge bills for overseas roaming charges. And even getting packages of Internet access is expensive of the iPhone.
Tech review: For travel guides, paper wins over e-books - Mercury NewsLabels: e-books, iphone
Microloans in China
I have read about Microloans in China and the use of cell phones to reduce poverty. It's nice to find a similar type project in China.
Wokai - Ending Poverty in China one loan at a time.
From what I can tell regular loans in China have a lot of politics involved in them. Labels: china's future, microloans
Taiwan Politics Article
The comments are a great read and for non Taiwanese, the article is the best explanation I have read about what happened in the recent mayoral elections. Taiwan politics is very energetic.
The article does not seem to have a Green or Blue bias:
Violent Incident Mars Status-Quo-Affirming Taiwan Election - John Parker Labels: taiwan
Chinese Buffets
My wife asked me why are there not more American Buffets?
I mentioned there are Soup Plantation and Hometown Buffet.
But in our area there are a huge amount of Chinese Buffets. We went to a Chinese Buffet for Thanksgiving. We were just too tired to cook. The line at a Marie Calendars we passed was out the door. None at the Chinese Buffet we went to that had Crab Legs, Sushi, and other food that kept the Chinese part of my family very happy.
I did not have a good answer for her on why there are more Chinese Buffets than American Buffets. Las Vegas has a huge amount of buffets. There also used to be more Cafeterias also, but most of those in Southern California are now gone. Labels: Chinese Food
Chinatown Ghost Tours in SF
iPad Update
With Apple finally gettting Traditional Chinese Characters on the iPad, my mother-in-law bought one.
What surprised me was in the Apple store the iPad's on display were not running the later ios. Besides that, it was a very nice shopping experience.
Something if your looking at iPads :-)
On an Innovative Device, Apps Lacking Imagination - iPad Labels: apple, iPad
Customer Service
I was amazed after reading this article about a company that deliberately offers bad customer service.
A Bully Finds a Pulpit on the Web - NY Times.
Offering great customer service is a key part of both ChildBook and my wife's Girl's Dress store EliteDresses.com
The amount of positive comments/feedback my wife gets is amazing. One time a customer even called just to let her know what a nice experience she had. And some of the negative stories I hear about competitors dress sites is also amazing. One of them even has an F rating on BBB. Labels: customer service
Value of a Chinese Degree: $44?
Value of a Chinese College Degree: $44? - WSJ Blog
China’s college graduates on average make only 300 yuan, or roughly $44, more per month than the average Chinese migrant worker, according to statistics cited over the weekend by a top Chinese labor researcher and reported today by the Beijing Times
And you thought the US was bad for college graduates :-) Labels: china's future, college admissions
Apple Chinese iTunes & App. Store Update
Apple is getting more serious about their store online store in China.
Improvements include:
- Payment from online bank transfers (preferred payment method in China)
- Interface is now in Chinese
Labels: apple, business chinese
iPad Traditional Chinese Support
The latest version of the iPad now supports Traditional Chinese!
Traditional Chinese (Handwriting, Pinyin, Zhuyin, Cangjie, Wubihua)
Now, to buy, or to wait for the 2nd version that is rumored to be coming in April. Labels: iPad
Importing Coal, China Burns It as Others Stop
Interesting - Importing Coal, China Burns It as Others Stop - NY Times
As many Western countries limit the construction of power plants using Coal to reduce Global Warming and pollution, they are exporting more coal to China to be burned there.
It's a shame that nobody seems to be doing research any more on burning coal using MHD. The was a lot of work done on this in the late 70's and early 80's, but its seems to have gone into recently. I just found this 2008 presentation on MHD. Labels: china's future, chinese environment
Thanksgiving Chinese Coloring Page
Train Makers Rail Against China's High-Speed Designs
Basically a couple of Japanese and European companies did technology transfer to the Chinese in exchange for short term gains. The result has been within a few years the growth of a giant industry competing with them, based on their own technology.
My 2 cents is never under estimate what can be learned by the Chinese through technology transfer. And unfortunately the US policy has ignored this issue, instead concentrating on the currency issue.
Train Makers Rail Against China's High-Speed Designs - Wall Street Journal Labels: china's future, made in china
Taekwondo, China, and Taiwan
An example of why its good to avoid conversations in Taiwan or China about the other country. Its a great way to start a fight. Its also a good idea in Taiwan to avoid talking about politics. People have VERY strong feelings on the subject.
Taekwondo row spurs anti-China feeling in Taiwan - Washington Post Labels: taiwan
How Baidu Won China
Business Week article (I Prefer the Economist). My guess is Baidu going outside of China will not be a success.
How Baidu Won China - Business Week
Robin Li beat Google and made his search engine No. 1 in China. Now he wants to go global, but it will take some work to get the world to trust Baidu Labels: china's future, google
Housing Bubble Chinese Style
Housing bubbles Chinese style - Baltimore Sun
Good quote - "These aren't for living in," says Prof. Chovanec, who met with our group of U.S.journalists at Tsinghua today. "They're a store of value."Labels: china's future
No Plastic Bags in Rowland Heights?
Cheating at a College and above Level for Papers
I would have expected this in China, but in the US?
A great article to read. Highly recommended.
The company he works for has 50 employees who share the money paid 50% with their employer. Last year he made $66,000.
The Shadow Scholar - The Chronicle of Higher Education
The man who writes your students' papers tells his story
The person writes everything from admission essays to a PhD level. Labels: college, college admissions
Disney encourages sales of digital movies
Interesting way for Disney to test the market for Digital Downloads, while preserving the area that provides their main profits (DVD's).
Disney encourages sales of digital movies - LA Times
Recent efforts include Disney Movies Online, on which people can buy or rent films to watch on the Internet, and a partnership with Wal-Mart to offer digital copies of 'Toy Story 3.' Labels: Bilingual DVD's, disneyland
How China’s Entrepreneurs Are Helping It Win
How China’s Entrepreneurs Are Helping It Win - Tech Crunch
The comments are a great read. The article is a bit contradictory, but may be that is just China. And to get really confused about China, read the comments.
They keypoint for educating your kids is make sure they learn to think. And that is not as easy as it sounds. Labels: china's future
FAQ Updated
The FAQ for ChildBook just got updated.
A customer mentioned they were having problems seeing it, so I fixed that and updated it a bit. Labels: childbook
Bilingual Benefits
The effects of bilingualism on student learning - Ed Week
New research using neuroscience and other methods suggests that learning a second language -- even at a later age than previously thought -- might have additional learning benefits for students. One study found early social interaction with native speakers is critical to language learning and might have implications for general learning as well, while another showed students who are multilingual are more flexible problem solvers. The director of education for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages said she hopes the research leads to more language instruction for elementary students.Labels: bilingual babies
Chinese Culture in take overs
Good article on what it feels like to be bought by a Chinese firm Being eaten by the Dragon by The Economist.
I have more experience with private ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurs. I have dealt with one company that the top person was also a member of the Chinese Congress. I have noticed in many Chinese companies a hierarchy. And if you don't speak Chinese you are in an outside layer (depends on the company).
Labels: made in china
Innovation in China
The question is can a planned economy successfully nurture innovation? It's one thing to have the trains run on time and in the right direction, but to figure out new types of trains? The challenge with patients is looking for ones that are successfully commercially, and just not at the number of patients. Which would you rather have, a 100 junk patients or 1 gem of a patient? With China's current system the 100 junk patients have more value than one gem.
Chinese firms are filing lots of patents. How many represent good ideas? Labels: china's future
Future of the Book Store
Barnes & Noble (and yes, I am still annoyed at the local store closing their bathroom to customers) has decided they want to also sell toys, since book sales are declining.
Barnes & Noble tests toy boutiques to boost sales - Yahoo News
My guess is not a good strategy. Competing with Toys R Us, WalMart, and Target for toy sales is not a winning strategy. Not to mention Amazon online. I hope I am wrong, because it is hard to find good quality toys. Labels: childbook
eBooks vs. Books
I am personally struggling with eBook vs. a physical book.
A good article that brought up a few more points I had not considered.
The loan arranger - The Economist
With an e-book, you can't resell it after you buy it. And yet you theoretically own it. With a physical book you do have the right to resell it (but an author may refuse to sign a resold copy I have heard).
Loaning a regular book is much easier.
And now there is a growth of pirated e-Books in the last couple of months. Labels: e-books
Chinese government 'angry' over spy drama Spooks
It's so hard to find a politically correct villain, so this show decided to pick on the Chinese spy service (which is very active).
Chinese government 'angry' over spy drama Spooks - The Telegraph
The Chinese government is reportedly so angry with the BBC over the way its spy drama Spooks portrays its undercover operatives that it has ordered television companies not to work with the Corporation. Labels: china
One Dog Policy
It's a draft law in Shanghai.We have a Golden Retriever that is in the chewing stage. He loves sandals and other chewable clothing.
China introduces 'one-dog policy - The Telegraph
Shanghai officials have reportedly introduced a new 'one dog policy', mirroring the country's one child policy, in an attempt to free up living space. Labels: Chinese Culture
£53 Million Chinese Vase
A more interesting question is how did the Vase end up in the UK. Perhaps it was sold by the Last Emperor's court after the revolution of 1911? Or perhaps a British serviceman took it home after the Boxer Rebellion?
Labels: Chinese History
Currency Devaluations
Many developing economies are seeing increases in their currencies due to hot money coming in. At the recent G20 meeting, it was supposed to be about pushing China to increase their currency valuation. Instead it seemed to be more about the US devaluation of their currency through the expansion of the money supply. Taiwan imposed limits on bond holding by foreigners this week. The Philippines currency has increased 20% against the dollar recently.
I should go ask my Econ. professor. He explained the Financial Crisis as similar to Katrina. He is great at giving an easy to understand explanation.
G-20 Nears Pact but Tensions Still Fester - WSJ Labels: made in china
Blog Spam
Somebody just pasted a comment about calling some 800 # on my blog. How annoying.
So as the nice person I was, I did a bit of googling and found the exact same answer/comment has been used elsewhere. Most had already been marked as SPAM, but I reported it to Google as Spam and also another place I found it. If I could have found a web site I would have also sent them an E-Mail.
I take this Learning Chinese blog seriously. OK, I write way to much about Chinese politics and culture. Its an interest of mine. I"ll work more posts about Learning Chinese. Labels: childbook, Chinese Culture
China and Germany History - Deja Vu?
China Undergraduates in the US
26,000 Chinese studying in the US for 2008-9, up from 8,000 8 years earlier. Labels: china's future
ChildBook October Review Contest Winner

|  |  |  |  | Follow Jade! Learn Chinese: Let's Go to Market in China DVD
| |  From Kindergarten, Jade and the children now go to market
- Conversational for children, very effective
- Chinese words easy to remember
- Romanized Pinyin spellings flashed on screen
- Quality production,comparable to popular educational shows (Sesame Street, Dora, etc.)
10/30/2010 4.0 Good for vocab reinforcement By Josie from Nebraska, USA - Engaging Characters
- Entertaining
- Good pacing
- Informative
- Original
- Beginning students
- Vocab reinforcement
Importing into China
China just changed the threshold for duties for personal goods being sent in to $8. It was $200 to $400 because many Chinese companies were labeling commercial shipments as personal. FedEx, DHL, and UPS are not very happy about the change.
New China Customs Regulations Changes - Postage.com Labels: china economy
Tutoring in China - 50% Post IPO Rise
Chinatown Vigilante Grocer Free
125 Anniversary of Chinese expulsion from Tacoma
Hungry Ghost Coloring Pages
A customer just e-mailed me this:
THANK YOU for the coloring pages for the Hungry Ghost Festival! I was looking everywhere for some resources to explain this Chinese festival that is the most similar to Halloween--and there's almost nothing out there--you guys have the only printables/colorings sheets. THANKS SO MUCH!!!
Apple Launches Chinese App Store
Interesting - three-quarters of online shopping in China is done through Taobao.com.
And the Apple App. Store requires a dual currency credit card. For the regular store Apple also accepts debit cards, bank transfers, and cash deposits. My guess on the dual currency credit card requirement is because of the challenges of getting corporate funds out of China.
Apple Launches Chinese App Store - WSJ