Chinatown Bus Update
Chinatown Bus Pioneer Fung Wah Strangled by Federal Bureaucracy - Reason Magazine
The company has burned through $3 million, as regulators spend a year and a half deliberating its fate.
And some history on what happened:
Why the Government Was Wrong to Shutdown Fung Wah Bus Company - Reason Magazine
My guesses:
- High profile traffic accidents made for great copy by journalists, and created a perceived emergency where the government had to act.
- It's easier in the government, and less risk, to do nothing, than make a decision. Think what would happen if an agency approved Fung Wah operating again, and there was a big accident.
- The large competitors, Grey Hound, etc. are politically connected and are helping regulators to reduce competition.
- The ethnic Chinese owned companies due not understand how the political game is played. Campaign contributions, when done legally and to the right people, seem to help the process in government.
Labels: bus, chinatown
Don't Let Your Kids Play Outside
iPhone Aftermarket China Pricing
China E-Commerce Opportunities
Crazy Book Author Plagiarism
I am a keen observer of the Book Industry, and the rise of Indy Authors who publish their works directly without using a publisher. The amount of changes in the book industry is amazing. The positive is many more authors can now write full time, where before it was not possible. They are selling their books as eBooks, and getting a higher amount of the price of a book. The current Amazon vs Hachette is all about allocating money. The part that gets forgotten in the feud is the authors. Tip for 99% of authors - Publishers are not looking out for your best interest (yes, Baen is an exception).
Back to topic. In this example, it seems a person took another Author's Christian Book, and added some sex scenes, and claimed it as her own. When the original author, Rachel Ann Nunes, found out, the plagiarist then attempted using fake screen names to cyber bully the other person with strange claims and negative reviews on their book. Rachel Ann Nunes then set up a gofundme to fund the needed legal costs to protect her books.
It's a soap opera, that needs to e read to be believed.
And the person who is accused of plagiarism is a school teacher in Utah!
Labels: amazon
Crazy School Attendance Rules
Because Avery Gagliano, a 13 year old Piano Prodigy missed 10 days of school due to performances, she was considered a truant by the Washington DC school district. Avery Gagliano was a straight A student, and one of Lang Lang's Music Foundations music ambassadors.
Avery is now being home schooled because of the threats from the School District of being considered a truant.
Avery Gagliano's mother from the name, appears to be ethnic Chinese (Ying Lam) and may be a bit of a Tiger Mom.
In D.C., a 13-year-old piano prodigy is treated as a truant instead of a star student - The Washington Post
And what is amusing, is now the Washington DC School district is calling the reporter and the Mother liars, excuse me the term is "false representation"
And during the summer, the family got a letter informing them their child was truant, and "along with a helpful brochure that
outlines the possible police and Child and Family Services intervention
for students who are truant."
Petula Dvorak: No misrepresentation of piano prodigy’s treatment by D.C. schools - Washington Post Labels: Homeschooling Chinese, piano, school success, Schools
Amicable divorce 'is just as damaging for children'
Did you know the USPS can Time Travel?
Did you know the USPS can time travel?
The delivery date for an item being sent to Canada was 5 days behind the current date.
After a case was opened up with the USPS, the item finally got delivered.
I have shipped over 40,000 packages with the USPS with only a few problems, but this one was new. I wonder if the USPS delivery quality is going down due to their cutbacks? Labels: post office, USPS
Bilingual Babies often have higher IQ's
My daughter is bilingual being fluent in Mandarin and English. I have seen a lot of Chinese parents who are afraid their child will do poorer in English, if they also speak Chinese. This study shows that learning two languages may increase their IQ.
My view is learning a second language, at any age, exercises additional areas of the brain. As you learn a new skill, or language, new neural pathways are being formed due to the theory of neuroplacity.
For raising a bilingual child, what my wife and I did, was I spoke English to my daughter, while my wife spoke Mandarin Chinese. And my daughter decided to improve her Taiwanese in high school, so she is now fluent in three languages.
Want your child to be clever? Teach them two languages: Study finds bilingual babies often show signs of having a higher IQ - Daily Mail
A series I like for Babies, that is basically a Video Flash Card, is:
Baby Learns Chinese, DVD, Level 4,5,6 & Flashcards Bundle (Green Box)
List Price: $68.99
Our Price: $59.99
Sale Price: $49.99
You save $19.00!

Baby Learns Chinese DVDs # 4-6 Exposes Baby to 140+ Chinese words about
- Sports
- What to Wear and About the House
- Transportation and Professions
This series uses the Doman method to teach babies to read.
Babies can learn to read because Chinese characters are just like pictures!
Baby Learns Chinese, DVD, Level 1,2,3 & Flashcards Bundle Blue
List Price: $68.99
Our Price: $59.99
Sale Price: $49.99
You save $19.00!

This DVD set teaches 140+ Chinese words
DVD1- Body, Counting, Shapes and Colors DVD2- Fruits and Food DVD3- Farm Animals and Wild Animals Flashcards I
- The Doman method, used in the DVD, has proven countless times, yes, babies can learn to read!
- Babies can read because Chinese characters are just like pictures!
See sample video clip inside
Labels: baby learning mandarin, bilingual babies
Comparing the US and China Military
Excellent article that compares the US and China Military. The above picture is one of the Chinese aircraft carriers.
$600 Billion Ain’t What It Used to Be - The American Interest
Key Points:
1. US has more Military focuses / areas of interest than China. Major areas include Europe, Middle East, and Asia.
2. The US has higher costs, so the US spending usually gets less for the same dollar spent than China. An example of this is payroll and health benefits.Labels: military, US Chinese Image