The Techno Prince @ Taste of Taiwan
Chinese in US History - Rocklin
Rocklin is located just North of Sacremento. Many Chinese came over in the Gold Rush and to help build the railroads, but there were expulsions when the economy went south in the 1870's, so many Chinese moved East (which is why you have historic Chinatowns in Chicago, NY, etc).
Editor’s Note: This is the second in a three-part series focusing on the expulsion of Chinese residents from Rocklin in 1876.
1876 Murder charge spurs hatred for Chinese - Placer Herald Labels: chinatown, Racism
Cal State campuses overwhelmed by remedial needs
Another symptom of the failure of much of the K-12 system in CA, and this also contributes to the high drop out rate at many Cal States. I was shocked to find out the drop out rate at Cal Poly Pomona was 50%. A previous post with more details on the drop out rate and how to check a colleges drop out rate - College Graduation Rates
Sad quote:
About 27,300 freshmen in the 2010 entering class of about 42,700 needed remedial work in math, English or both.
Cal State campuses overwhelmed by remedial needs - Mercury News Labels: college admissions
Managing Life in a Multigenerational Household
CA State community colleges set to ration classes
I understand the policy, but I don't like it. And yes, the current system is broken at the Junior College level. The low level of students who actually go on to a 4 year college is horrible. And the Junior College is also being tasked with giving remedial classes due to failures in the CA K-12 system.
Good news is if you can get the classes you need, this is good way to get into a high ranked CA University.
State community colleges set to ration classes - SF ChronicleLabels: college admissions
China Harsh on Its Rail System in Crash Report
China gets approval for Afghanistan oil exploration bid
Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour
When I was growing up Farrell's was the place for birthday's. And yes, I still feel a bit guilty about dripping my birthday hot fudge sunday over a friend, Eric, next to me when I was in Elementary School (the waitress told me to hold it with one hand, but I was not strong enough, so it tipped over and it poured over him).
The Farrell's I went to was on Rosemead, and now its a Chinese Sea Food Restaurant ( Sea Harbour Seafood Restaurant). A new Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor opened up in Brea and my daughter went to it a couple of days ago. How times changes!
If your interested in the history of Farrells, and what happened, this is a great site. There used to be 120 locations, then it shrank to 1, and now there are 5.
Un- official Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour HistoryLabels: Chinese Food
Australians Can Learn from Eastern Cultures for Better Relationships
Australians can learn from traditional Eastern values to keep their marriages happier and and families intact.
My personal opinion, being in a mixed marriage with a mixed daughter, is a mix of both Western and Chinese culture is the best. A traditional Chinese culture for some, for example, discriminates against girl children, where one set of grand parents I know will not give their granddaughter any gifts, but gives their grandson gifts. I totally disagree with this one for example.
My Chinese American Marriage Tips which talks a bit about culture. Labels: chinese american marriage, interracial marriage
China to Slash Railway Spending
Reduced by 42%, I am surprised. And there seems to be a change in focus to the freight train network, and away from high speed rail in China.
But, my understanding was the previous management had a huge corruption and quality issue.
China to Slash Railway Spending - WSJ Labels: china's future, trains
The Chinese Solar Machine
Good article about Solar Cell manufacturing in China, which is very relevant now with the over supply in the solar cell market and bankruptcies. Everyone was focused on exporting to Europe, which has reduced their incentives for solar, resulting in a glut of production without buyers.
Great comment:
The Chinese government did not INVEST in solar, they went on a mad drunken irresponsible spending spree, with obvious long term financial consequences for everyone.
Profits of a durable nature are not the end result of overspending, of massive incomprehensible overcapacity. Decimation of profits for everyone is the inevitable result of irresponsible overbuilding of capacity.
The Chinese Solar Machine - MIT Technology Review
Chinese manufacturers have dominated the international market for conventional solar panels by building bigger factories faster. Now they will need to innovate to maintain their lead. Labels: made in china, solar
Myths vs. reality on China trade
Good article discussing US trade with China, I would give it a grade of a B. It cover the fact that much of the total value of products made in China, is captured in the US outside of manufacturing. Much of manufacturing has become low margin and a commodity. What was not captured is some of the unfair trade practices in China, including the forced sharing of Intellectual Property (IP).
Myths vs. reality on China trade - Washington Examiner Labels: made in china
China Hackers Hit U.S. Chamber
A lot of the security being done is going to become more common for those who worry about their security and visit China. Using a generic laptop and phone when visiting a foreign country good security. A laptop and smart phone can quickly be infected (hacked) in customs. What is interesting was the hackers kept usual hours, and how they targeted only specific individuals.
China Hackers Hit U.S. Chamber
Attacks Breached Computer System of Business-Lobbying Group; Emails StolenLabels: hacking, US Chinese Image
No Shipping Dec. 26 & Jan. 2nd
The Post Office is closed both those days.
The note I got:
The United States Postal Serviceis closed those days for both the Christmas holiday and New Year's holiday. Locations will reopen, and pickups will resume, on Tuesday, December 27, 2011 and Tuesday, January 3, 2012.Labels: childbook
China and Climate Change
A negative view on the Chinese proposal for climate change. My worry is China is adding a huge amount of coal plants, which the US and Australia are exporting coal too. Unfortunately, coal pollution does not only affect China. And with the 2nd largest economy in the world, and the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China needs to be part of any real climate emissions effort.
All the Hot Air in China - WSJ
Cutting carbon emissions requires restructuring the economy. Which is why Beijing won't do it.Labels: china's future, chinese pollution
China Bank Regulator Adviser: Banks Face Growing But Manageable Risks
North Korea & China - Interesting Times
North Korea's leader just died, and nobody knows what is going on. North Korea is in full lock down mode, a younger son is the heir apparent, and people are starving in North Korea. And they have nuclear bombs, and there is a huge chance the country will fall apart. A Russian think tank forcast after the death of the leader of North Korea, the country would be absorbed into South Korea. Of course, China would probably prefer not to have this happen. And China does not want an increase in refugees. And South Korea would rather wait to its wealthier, to absorb the North (they saw what happened with Germany).
Interesting times indeed. Labels: china's future, korea
Monroe Doctrine and China
History of Mandarin as standard language of China
Great article, that even talks about the difference between the standards in China and Taiwan. Taiwan's version has more loan words from Japanese and English, where the China version is more down to earth and does not have as many loan words. There is an effort in Mainland China to keep Chinese pure of borrowed foreign words. And it seems per a survey, that many Chinese feel the Beijing accent comes across as pompous, where hte Taiwan accent comes across as more cultured. A major question on accent, is to er, or not to er (Mandarin Northern China accent).
interplay of archaising, ethnographic, reformist,
elitist and xenophobic purism in the perception
of Standard Chinese by Chris Wen-Chao Li of Cal State SFLabels: Learning Chinese
Batman manhandled in China; Christian Bale forced to bail
Satellite Takes Picture of Chinese Carrier on the Move
Abandoned Shopping Carts in Rowland Heights
Some jerk is abandoning shopping carts around where I live. I have called on 3 of them so far, 2 picked up. Once in front of my house that got picked up. Now there is another I have called twice on in front of my house. Stater Brothers is the one currently in front of my house. I also had to call twice on another on Pepperdale that got picked up, finally. I am surprised nobody else is calling on these.
I also called on the others I have seen, at one time there were 5 abandoned carts within 4 blocks of my house.
I just found their web page.
And they also have an iPhone app. May be I will download that. My guess is it's one person, a FOB, who lives in a house that is being rented by the room, in the area. The shopping carts dropped off form a circle around this house. Labels: chinatown
Confusion of Being a Chinese Student in America
China in Economic Warnings: Eurofail Damages World
“Extremely grim and complicated” is how the Chinese describe the global outlook these days
Translation - The Chinese are worried their exports will be hurt by the Eurozone challenges, and this can lead to domestic issues.
I hope they are wrong, and the global outlook becomes more positive.
India, China in Economic Warnings: Eurofail Damages World - American Interest Labels: china's future
My Unbelievable Journey of Chinese Language Learning and Teaching
Chinese Hacking - Two Views
One view is that China's government is backing Hackers that are targeting governments and corporations world wide.
U.S. Homes In on China Spying - WSJ
Probe Pinpoints Groups of Hackers and Ties Most to Military; Officials Prepare to Confront Beijing
The other view is there are hackers every where
West caught in the Net of double standards - China Daily
Andre Vitcheck, the author of the China Daily piece is a naturalized US citizen.
My view is yes, there are hackers all over, but the Chinese government has been leading in the use of hackers. Labels: hacking
Counterfiet Holiday Lights from China
They even had a fake UL label on them, with a retail value of $173,000. Getting UL Certification is not that high a cost.
Counterfeit holiday lights seized - LA Times
Customs officials say two shipments from China, with an estimated retail value of $173,000, are unsafe. Labels: made in china
China's housing bubble is losing air
Deflating a bubble is dangerous, but its better than the alternative of an implosion.
China's housing bubble is losing air - LA Times
Home prices and sales plunge after China's government intentionally slams on the brakes. Some recent buyers stage demonstrations, destroy real estate offices and demand refunds of up to 40%.Labels: china's future
Chick-fil-A: Employee mocking Asians no reflection on company
Chinese student enrollment soars at Iowa schools
Iowa colleges are seeing large increases in Chinese undergraduates. I was at a dinner party Saturday night with a lady who went to school in Iowa, who was very positive about the quality of the schools there.
Interesting quote:
Pat Parker, associate director of admissions operations and policy at Iowa State, said the culture in China is to focus on memorization to pass English proficiency tests rather than learning the language. That leads to some problems once they get to Iowa State and have trouble understanding English, she said.
Chinese student enrollment soars at Iowa schools - Chicago Tribune Labels: college admissions
Bilngual Kindergarten in Pasadena
China Hits It Big With Shale Gas
Unexpected - China Hits It Big With Shale Gas
I wonder if this may have a huge impact on world oil prices, since the continued increase in oil is predicated on higher oil usage by China and India. This may also have a positive impact on the environment, decreasing the amount of coal plants China will be building as natural gas is used more. Labels: china's future
How to Play the Christmas Chinese Gift Game
Gift giving is one among the many reason why we are excited for Christmas. To buy presents for someone you love makes us happy because it gives us the opportunity to let them know how special they are. Giving them gifts will let them know that we remember them in the busiest time of year. At a Christmas party, guest are excited about the gift exchange. The thrill of knowing what's inside the box is fun and exciting. If you're hosting a Christmas party, why not make you're exchanging gift more fun. You can organize a Christmas Chinese Gift Game at your party. Your guests will surely leave the party with a smile on their face thinking about how fun the game and party was. For game instructions check out our Chinese Gift Exchange Game Guide. Labels: chinese gift exchange, christmas party games
5 Best Practices for Educators on Facebook
Smaller population in Manhatten Chinatown?
Manhatten's total population has shrunk by 17% from 2000 to 2010.
Reasons given in the article are:
- Moving back to China for opportunities
- Moving to other Chinatowns due to cost
- Gentrification
- Reluctance to fill out census forms (perhaps an increase in Chinese with no papers)
My personal guess is cost of living.
Big trouble brewing for Chinatown? - Metro.us Labels: chinatown
Gambler says he was robbed of $10,000 won at casino
Career Prospects by College Major
From the 2010 census, the unemployement and earnings, and popularity.
Accounting is #3 in popularity (my wife is an accountant by training). I remember seeing a play with my wife, where the main characters said, parents, don't have your kids grow up to be CPA's! For some reason I got in trouble for choosing that play :-)
College Major to Career - WSJ Labels: college
e-Book investigation by US Justice Department
In China, it's panda census time
China air pollution disrupts transportation
Shades of Victorian London, where pollution resulted in a pea soup. In 1952 the air in London was so bad that thousands of deaths resulted.
China air pollution disrupts transportation - LA Times
Flight cancellations in Beijing and highway closures have caused delays. Some wonder whether the air pollution problem will derail China's economic growth.
The US Embasssy in Bejing measured 522 micrograms per cubic meter (300 to 500 is considered hazardous), where the offical Chinese authorities acknowledged light pollution. Labels: china's future, chinese pollution
Chinese Language TV in Los Angeles
China Is Poised for an I.T. Golden Age?
By the former head of Google China, the key foundation to this is China graduates 600,000 Engineers a year:
China Is Poised for an I.T. Golden Age - NY Times
My view is China, by not allowing in Foreign competition in the IT areas and the huge political guidance, is hurting their home grown IT market. For IT, India has shown the largest amount of growth, where China has been more focused on hardware that has become a commodity. Labels: made in china
Staircase Method of Grading
For those teachers that have just run out of time, the infamous stair case method with pictures - A Guide to Grading Exams, and even discusses when to assign + and - grades based on the position.
Labels: teaching chinese
Older Chinese Riled by Proposed SF Bag Fee
Survey on using technology in teaching Chinese
AP Courses - Are they a scam?
In CA, it seems the US History AP, even if you get a 5 on it, does not count for anything besides general units. So you still need to take a class called the American Experience.
My guess, being a bit cynical, is this is more about making it so a certain department gets to provide teachers, than about the student learning. I wonder if you can take a class at a junior college (usually easier than an AP class), that would count for the High School US history requirement, as well as the American Experience?
And for reference:
AP Courses - Are AP Courses Worth It? - About.comLabels: college admissions
College Costs - May be some hope?
The white house had a meeting on Monday with representatives from not for profit colleges, with the a major issue being affordability. The trend with colleges seems to be higher and higher. It's a very relevant question with the concept of a college bubble, where costs are so high causing huge students loans amount.
My daughter is going to a state school (fair cost, unfortunately 5 years ago it was 50% less), and she got a notification saying she did not get any financial aid and she could apply in January. My wife looked into it, and what this meant was she did not accept any student loans (which is how it is supposed to be, my wife and I don't want our daughter to have the burden of student loans when she graduates).
At the White House Roundtable - Inside Higher Ed Labels: college admissions
Overstock sells e-Books
May be there is hope for the individual bookseller! And not everyone will be forced to either go to the publisher, or Amazon/bn.com
Overstock is still needing to go through a gatekeeper, such as Barnes & Noble.
Overstock gets (e) book smart with Barnes & Noble - Internet Retailer Labels: e-books
iPad Helping Book Publishers Gain More Control Over eBook Pricing
L.A.'s Mayor Villaraigosa in China
Predictions of an economic collapse in China are in vogue
Chinese leaders worry economic slump could spark more protests
LinkedIn attempted Scam/419
Frustrating to be receiving this, the 2nd time someone sent me something suspicious via LinkedIn. A question that comes to my mind, is when are they going to make the profiles more authentic looking?
I reported this one to LinkedIn via the spam button, but I never got a response to my first time. My feeling is LinkedIn is still new to this and not set up to handle this, yet. Microsoft does an amazing job, and I was also impressed by the response I got from Yahoo (after I finally figured out how to report a 419 account, AOL never heard from, Google is just automated).
Roland Fisher has sent you a message.
Date: 12/04/2011
Subject: Principal Staff
Good Day.
It is a fact that we have not met before neither have we had any previous business dealings, but I strongly believe that with understanding and trust we can have a successful business relationship. I am a principal staff with a Finance Company here in United Kingdom. I have access to very vital information that can be used to transfer funds out of the project account to a secured account outside United Kingdom .I have the required machinery to get it done since I am still in active service. If it was possible for me to do it alone I would not have bothered soliciting for foreign support, ultimately I need an honest foreigner to play an important role in the completion of this business deal. I look forward to meeting you in person and doing good business with you and please treat as confidential.
I wait your letter of intent to partner with me.
Roland Fisher
Principal Staff
The Finance Company UK. Labels: 419, scam, spam
China's Superior Economic Model - Andy Stern
Mr. Stern was president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
China's Superior Economic Model - Wall Street Journal Editorial
The free-market fundamentalist economic model is being thrown onto the trash heap of history.
What is interesting was a major part of his tour was in Chongqing (the leader, Bo Xilai who is promoting a Mao revival in his bid for the central committee).
And now for a completely different view on China's Economy:
Can China Rescue Its Economy? - Forbes
My 2 cents, my gut feeling is Mr. Stern's commentary has a political goal that I don't understand the politics well enough to explain. I have a feeling he saw a slightly rose tinted view of China's Economy (which is amazing, but there are challenges).
I am not buying the sky is falling view of the Chinese economy either, but I am worried about a global slowdown due to the Euro Crisis that is going to have a negative impact on the Chinese, European, and the US economies. And I freely admit, I don't know what I don't know, with what is going on with China's economy, much less the world's economy. Labels: china's future